Exactly two weeks ago today, I received a txt from your mom that she was having an emergency c-section. And tonight, I got to meet you. I gotta be honest, when I walked into the hospital nursery and saw you snuggled up in your little condo, it dawned on me that I was witnessing a miracle. My mama has always said babies were a miracle and you, Eliza, are the very definition of what a good and perfect gift from above looks like.
The past two weeks have been very emotional - not really knowing what was going on, praying for healing and strength as you grew outside of the womb, praying for your mom's recovery, praying for your dad as he shouldered all of this and supported your mom, and praying for your grandparents, all four of whom i consider extensions of my own family. My prayers have been in ounces and pounds and my peace has come in pictures and updates as you've grown steadily and surely.
I went with your mom to the hospital tonight so I could meet you. Your dad would come later to give you your night time bottle. I have memories with your mom that stretch for miles, but this was such a special time for me to spend with her, rejoicing over you, this new little life. I've never seen anything more perfect. You kind of took my breath away for a minute. When your dad got there, I was able to hold you for a few minutes. You held onto my finger earlier through the little windows in your condo, but holding you in my arms was such an incredible experience. I've never seen someone so tiny. You don't even weigh 3lbs and yet God knows you by name. He knows exactly how many blonde peach fuzzies you have on your head.
As I drove home from the hospital tonight, I felt like I was finally able to rejoice and turn my prayers into praise. Now that I had met you, seen you, held you, kissed your tiny cheek, I was able to release all my worry to the Lord. I really can't put into words what I have been feeling since I met you. You are so tiny yet so perfect and I just don't know how to adequately express that. I want you to know that I will continue to pray for you in ounces, in pounds, in days and months and years. But tonight, on your two week birthday, I took a little break from all the pleas and prayers and joyfully worshiped instead - because I had held your hand and looked into your big blue eyes. because I had witnessed a miracle. Because you are living proof of the power of prayer.
Praise the Lord O my soul
And glory to the King
Forever You are robed with majesty
We come to you O Lord
And Lay our praise at your feet
How great is Your love
So much higher than the heavens
With faithfulness that reaches the sky
How great is Your love
So much higher than the heavens
With faithfulness that reaches the sky
O how great is Your love