Monday, June 25, 2012

Jamie Sullivan's ambition is to witness a miracle

 dear eliza lyn:

Exactly two weeks ago today, I received a txt from your mom that she was having an emergency c-section. And tonight, I got to meet you. I gotta be honest, when I walked into the hospital nursery and saw you snuggled up in your little condo, it dawned on me that I was witnessing a miracle. My mama has always said babies were a miracle and you, Eliza, are the very definition of what a good and perfect gift from above looks like.

The past two weeks have been very emotional - not really knowing what was going on, praying for healing and strength as you grew outside of the womb, praying for your mom's recovery, praying for your dad as he shouldered all of this and supported your mom, and praying for your grandparents, all four of whom i consider extensions of my own family. My prayers have been in ounces and pounds and my peace has come in pictures and updates as you've grown steadily and surely.

I went with your mom to the hospital tonight so I could meet you. Your dad would come later to give you your night time bottle. I have memories with your mom that stretch for miles, but this was such a special time for me to spend with her, rejoicing over you, this new little life. I've never seen anything more perfect.  You kind of took my breath away for a minute. When your dad got there, I was able to hold you for a few minutes. You held onto my finger earlier through the little windows in your condo, but holding you in my arms was such an incredible experience. I've never seen someone so tiny. You don't even weigh 3lbs and yet God knows you by name. He knows exactly how many blonde peach fuzzies you have on your head.

As I drove home from the hospital tonight, I felt like I was finally able to rejoice and turn my prayers into praise. Now that I had met you, seen you, held you, kissed your tiny cheek, I was able to release all my worry to the Lord. I really can't put into words what I have been feeling since I met you. You are so tiny yet so perfect and I just don't know how to adequately express that.  I want you to know that I will continue to pray for you in ounces, in pounds, in days and months and years. But tonight, on your two week birthday, I took a little break from all the pleas and prayers and joyfully worshiped instead - because I had held your hand and looked into your big blue eyes. because I had witnessed a miracle. Because you are living proof of the power of prayer.

Praise the Lord O my soul
And glory to the King
Forever You are robed with majesty
We come to you O Lord
And Lay our praise at your feet 

How great is Your love
So much higher than the heavens
With faithfulness that reaches the sky
How great is Your love
So much higher than the heavens
With faithfulness that reaches the sky
O how great is Your love 

it's easy to confuse christian with godly. they are not the same

thought for the day.

everytime i look at webMD, hoping to diagnose my latest illness, i am convinced i am dying. oh, you have a headache? you could be tired. you could need some caffeine. or you could have a brain tumor and you are probably dying.

talk that talk

my mother informed me yesterday that I talk about Barbara too much. She said she asked Lee if he had talked to me. he told her yes, he had talked to me but he was annoyed because all I ever wanted to do was talk about Barbara. He said he has no idea what is going on in my life, but he knows all about Barbara's life.

sorry i'm not that sorry for talking about barbara so much. 

Monday, June 18, 2012

thought for the day.

i received a call today from a number i didn't recognize. when i googled it, it came up as the mecklenburg county jail. i cannot tell a lie. i am secretly excited.

Friday, June 15, 2012

A tight rope

This dude is walking across niagara falls on a tight rope. Call me callous, but what exactly is the big deal? He's clearly a stupid. If he were running across niagara falls on a tight rope, then maybe i would be interested. Plus, his feet are going to hurt after wearing those little black booties. It's been almost 15 minutes and hes still not done. A barrel would have been a lot Faster. And not gonna lie, a lot more exciting to watch.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

oh, don't mEYEnd me. i only overslept.

confession wednesday. last night was a big night. In order to properly prepare for the new season of Teen Mom - as in I was going to have to not be hungry so I wouldn't have to leave my couch position for the entire episode - Ernie and I went for dinner. We gorged on cheeseburgers, fries and ice cream  (i mean, I had already had chick fil a for breakfast and bojangles for lunch, so why would I not continue to throw my weight watchers diet to the wind )...side note, that biggie song should really go like this: "piggie piggie piggie, can't you see. sometimes your eatin just hypnotizes me." Three pounds later, I was ready for my night. I took my place on the couch and reminisced on seasons past with the Teen Mom marathon. And then the new season began. It was even better than I had hoped, and that is probably because I am on Tweeter this time around and can communicate directly with all of the teen moms (and dads in some cases) as I so choose. (except for Amber. She's in the pokey which is unfortunate because I really wanted to tell her to fix her makeup.I mean let's be real for a minute.  Silver eyeliner went out about the same time my silver sparkle Airwalk sneaks went out). So thing leads to another, and approximately 400 tweeters later, I realize it's almost 1a and I have been sitting in my zone for well over three hours, telling these teens how to raise their children (because, you know, since I have none, I am an expert on child rearing).

I also realized that because I am a real adult, I have a job. That I had to go to in just a few short hours. My only choice was to go to bed.

Except then I didn't wake up until 830 this morning. And if I'm not at work by 9:30, it's basically a guarantee I won't be getting a parking spot. And now I can say that I am glad to present to you day two on how to look like the overworked, underpaid, sleep deprived hot mess you really are.

You have probably wondered who hit me to give me such a dark circle under my eye. Well, even though I am a woman and should probably learn to keep my mouth shut, this dark circle was not caused by anything other than my lack of sleep. And my inability to allow myself time to use under eye concealer. I have friends who will not go out of the house without at the VERY least their under eye concealer. I do own some. I also own some really refreshing under eye gel to help me wake up. But as you can see, I did not use it this morning. If you look closely, you will also notice that not only am I having severe hair on top of my head issues, but I am also having severe eyebrow hair issues. I haven't had the time to go get a fresh eye brow wax. And now I have just as many stray hairs as I do tweeters to the teen moms. And clearly my eyelashes are a struggling party of two.

It's time you and eye both start getting our acts together.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

new obsession

y'all. i know that everyone recognizes i have an addictive personality. as in I tend to get really really really hung up on trivial matters. it's a super safe bet to say it's a good thing i've never smoked crack, because i'd probably be addicted to that too. my latest addiction? these extremely vain bloggers who seem to have really awesome lives. Like honestly...where do these girls get the time, or the money, to live the way they do? They shop nonstop. They party nonstop. We're talking classed up Kesha.  Lucky for readers like me, it's a good thing that they don't have the same makeup tips as Kesha. because otherwise I'd be showing up to work with a star glitter painted over my eye and liquid leather pants. And while these bloggers apparently celebrate fancy pants friday every day of the week, I just don't have the time or the energy to make that much effort.

Actually, it's sort of like when I went to the NC State gym the other day and felt insecure next to all the hot toddies that were in there. Here I was in my throwback to college years tshirt and yesterday's gym shorts, trying to get in a decent workout after working my ass off all day and these babes had dressed up to go to the gym. I was trying my darndest to not rip my hair out due to the stress of being a bona fide adult and little did I know, the new thing was to wear false eyelashes and chicken cutlets to the gym. (of course, had I known these tips prior to my gym visit, maybe I wouldn't have felt like such a tool when I fell off the treadmill watching the boys. I tell you what. College boys just didn't look that way when I was in college. The fact that I went to an all girls school had nothing to do with it, either).

So, in honor of that, I am starting a new tradition. Every week, I am going to give you a tip on how I manage look like the overworked, underpaid, sleep deprived real life babe that I know I am. My hope is that through my honesty, we can all better embrace the fact that we are all of the above. I am going to start owning the fact that I look like complete trash when I come to work. We're talking when I do put on a face, my coworkers ask what the occasion is.

Today's tip on how to look like me is to start with your hair:

I do recommend washing it, but that is only because I have greasy hair. And let's face it. I may not actually know how to do my hair, but I do know that greasy hair is only appropes for the weekend. So, wash your hair, dry it while brushing furiously (a paddle brush or a round brush...I'm sure they are supposed to have different effects, but I don't know them) and then tie it on top of your head in what I call the "messy pony." Make sure you haven't had your highlights touched up in 9 weeks (I know it's been 9 because my hair girl - yes, I have one - emailed me yesterday to remind me I need to come in). Throw on some fabulous dangly earbobs and no one can tell you that you look like a hot mess. Actually, yes they can. I know this because this morning while waiting for the elevator, someone said "well. don't you look like a hot mess." True story.

Oh but one more thing. You can bet I'm going to stock up on some of those false eyelashes. I've been needing a pick me up anyway.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Is it a dog's life after all?

Tonight my friend Abby told me she was adopting a new puppy - a 9 month old that "doesn't have breeding hips" so her breeders are giving her up for adoption.

I gotta tell you. I wish often that I didn't have "breeding hips." I've never been jealous of a dog before.

But hey, I guess there really is a first time for everything after all.

(west) virginia is not just for lovers

tonight, shit got real on the bach. one of these tools called her baby baggage. now, don't get me wrong. i've been known to refer to kids of cute boys as baggage but i am not dumb enough to do it on national tv (who are we kidding. i can't even get on national tv. and shew, the good lord knows i've tried). but even if i did manage to get on tv somehow, i certainly would never dream of referring to a cute boy's baby as baggage if said cute boy was a hot as emily is. she is smokin'. i say bring on the baggage. and the bacon.

additionally, i'd like to add that there are a lot of people i'd like to go backwoods west virginia hood rat on, and i'm not even from west virginia.

emily, you go on withchur bad self. 

cuppie cake

have i ever written about the time i seductively ate a cupcake (maybe it was a pizza) out of my friend Kyle's parent's fridge and his parents (also named Richard and Debbie, like my own parentals) decided to name me Cupcake? And it stuck, and now everyone that was involved in that weekend calls me Cupcake? Not that I seductively ate cupcakes for a whole weekend (though that would be a wonderful weekend). My cupcake eating (and subsequent naming) event occurred during Kyle's and Carey's epic wedding weekend a few years ago (3.5 to be exact).

Anyway, the other day I got an email from Carey's mom asking if I had been writing my name in cement. I am the only Cupcake anyone needs to know. And don't you forget it.

email subject line: this is totally you!!!

welp. there you have it. my coworker sent me this email. and i gotta say, truer words have never been spoken.

Friday, June 8, 2012

my vice

two things most everyone knows about the deeze: i do not drink beer but i do drink a whole lot of diet dr. pep. only, they don't have diet dr. pep in deutschland. and apparently i'm not going to be able to proclaim left and right that i don't drink beer when i am there. when in rome, i suppose.


maybe i'll learn to love beer. and just maybe, i'll switch to beer for my get up and go in the mornings. but instead of pulling a kesha and needing a bottle of jack, i'll need a stout heineken.

is that even right? is heineken even stout? what does that even mean?

Thursday, June 7, 2012

deezy does deutschland 2012

in just a few [long] weeks, I will depart on the adventure of a lifetime, and I cannot wait. It's one of those sit on your hands in order to contain your excitement deals. I've been given basically free reign over the trip. Whatever I want to do, we're going to do. I've been to Germany (Krefeld, Essen, Koln, Berlin) before. I've been to London, I've been to Paris, I've been to Amsterdam. But this time, I won't be in high school. I won't be on anyone's schedule but my own, and who doesn't love that reality? And hopefully - just maybe - there won't be a threat out against American tourists and I won't have to speak German while out in public. Because let's face it, "y'all" in German with a Southern accent just doesn't have the same effect.

Some additional plans were finalized today. As of now, I'll be riding a beach cruiser between beer gardens (and various historic monuments) in Munich on July 4th (how utterly American of me...thinking about wearing an American pride shirt and some jorts on this day). I'll be spending 3 days in Venice/Murano/Burano. VENICE! gondolas! crab gnocchi that melts in your mouth! glass blowing in Murano! Lace making in Burano! Possibly Juliet's balcony in Verona. And while I am well aware of all the art in Venice, let's be honest. Y'all know me and y'all know I don't do art. I'll stick to the food, the wine and the blistering Venetian sun along the river bank of the Grand Canal. We'll do a guided tour of Dachau and then it's on to Salzburg for a 4 hour Sound of Music tour. I really can't wait to be my real age (which is 16 going on 17 in case you were wondering). And we may or may not slide down some ancient salt mines. and let's not forget the castles tucked away along the romantic road.

i'm gonna go out on a limb here and say my summer is already winning. and it's only just begun. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

everything is more fun

but ima go one step farther and suggest that perhaps we include midgets in this. i've said it before and i'll say it again.

everything is more fun with a midge involved.

ipod cleanse

last night, i got a message that I had exceeded my storage limit on my iphone, and I would need to delete some items in order to continue with a successful sync. This upset me because this meant I would have to go through my itunes to delete songs that I may or may not want to listen to again in the future while at work, or in my car, or somewhere other than on my computer.

after much consideration, i deleted the following artists: clay aiken, enrique iglesias, jessica simpson, nick lachey, dave matthews band and a few rando has beens.

i told emily this news today. her response? "well did you delete michael bolton? because he needs to go."

umm, absolutely not. Michael Bolton stays. as a matter of fact, now that I have so much space freed up on my ipod, I might just add some more michael bolton.

tell me this. i know a hater is gonna hate. but how can anyone hate on all dis? it's impossible to say you love him and be lying about it.

Monday, June 4, 2012

just a regular ole sunday night

last night at rudinos, my friend got challenged to an arm wrestling match by this dude. since the challenger was much larger than my friend, my friend politely declined. it wasn't until the challenger met his match that he finally calmed down about arm wrestling (and went home, because he had lost his arm wrestling match). if you don't believe me, i took a photo for evidence (the challenger is in the blue soccer jersey and just so happens to be behind the bar in this pic).

i've always said that shit gets weird at the bar on a sunday night. i mean let's be honest, what kind of people even go to the bar on a sunday night???


Friday, June 1, 2012

you're wearing what?

everytime I wear my reba mctintyre shirt to work, people ask me if I am wearing a reba mcintyre shirt. yesterday, seven different people asked me this. I think the bigger question is why would I not be wearing a reba mcintyre shirt?