Pete has been a bit on edge today. We've had some serious thunderstorms today, and he's already handicapped, so these two just don't bode well together. Another thing that doesn't bode well for Pete, other than life in general, is my new air freshener.
I had a coupon for 4 buckaroos off this new air freshening system from Air Wick: the Air Wick Freshmatic Ultra. Now, if that doesn't sound like the Ricky Bobby of air fresheners, then I don't know what does. And, with a coupon, you can bet I thought it was a good deal. During my trip to Target, I mulled over the fragrance options and selected Fresh Waters. To me, Fresh Waters sounds like it would smell like Hawaii. Or Portugal. I imagined her name would be Lililokiani (whom, for those of you who know me and just need an (air)refresher, was the last reigning queen of Hawaii and I've always said I wanted to name my daughter Lili). I brought her home, assembled her, and set her down by my tv shelf. She has this blinking light, like an alien (coupon AND alien traits = double score!) and every time she detects motion, she blows air into the room. Fresh, Hawaiian waters air. So, you can imagine what this must mean for Pete.
Poor little boy. He's already handicapped and every time he runs by the alien freshener, it blows out scent. Only, the sound of the air blow scares Pete to death and he falls over. Right in front of the blinking light. Each time he attempts to get up, the light blinks, and there she blows again. My room doesn't smell any fresher. But Pete...oh man, does he smell good. He smells like a Popsicle. A fresh, Hawaiian watersicle.
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