Friday, February 17, 2012

elevators are so awkward

just now, i got on the elevator with a bag of chips, a Mtn Dew, a bottle of water and a bag of cookies. I asked the guy who was also on the elevator if he could buzz me up (my badge was in my purse and it was pretty obvious my hands were full). He asked me who I was going to see. I stared at him and said "umm, I work here." He asked what floor. (Keep in mind he STILL hadn't buzzed the elevator doors to close, so we were standing there, having a staring competition, while the elevator stayed put.) What the freak dude. I told him I worked on the 4th floor. Ya know, the same floor as the ceo, the cfo and then general counsel. He continued to stare at me and then told me sometimes he has offered to escort visitors to see their people. I reminded him that as I had already told him, I worked here. I mean really, I may or may not be wearing boat shoes, baggy jeans and a grandma sweater. But the fact that I couldn't even have gotten into the building without being an employee clearly didn't register with this cat. So I did what anyone mature and in a good mood would do. I threw my things on the floor, including myself and dug out my badge. Then I buzzed my own damn self up to the 4th floor. And he just stared at me the entire ride.

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